Silambam is a traditional martial art, given by Masters, or Gurus, to Disciples. Through this lineage is transmitted a lot more than just stick wandering, but qualities like disciplin, presence, knowledge, humility, peace, brotherhood, and even more subtil things. There are no graduations or exams, the two available states being Student or Master, you simply have to know in which one you stand. When the Master recognizes the Student has mastered the curriculum, only then he gives the red scarf to acknowledge him as a Master. Hence no "black-belt syndroms"! There is no competition either, the techniques are not learned blunted. It would injure the opponents as the hits would automatically reach their targets. There are sparring practices, however, but done on a progressive manner.
Male or Female students from the age of 5 can learn the art silambam.
We prouds to tell that our silambam students have participated and secured many awards and medals in District, State, National and World Silambam competitions.
Regarding cultural programmes our silambam students were participated in various festivals, functions, cultural fete in and around the state and country.
35 years experience
25% discount for all members
Discount on services and treatments at the M.Arumugam Thegapayirchi Salai for all membership cards holders.
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